Tools to relink face on BAL player and ML manager PES 2013.
PC Only.
How to:
Please make backup your original save file, open tools then click PES 2013 Decrypter by w!ld@ and decrypt your file. Select your decrypted file on the list then click Relink Face button. Encrypt your file and enjoy.
Thanks to:
w!ld@ and neogeo64 for decrypter system.
1. Buka tools.
2. Klik tombol PES 2013 Decrypter by w!ld@
3. Drag savean BAL/ML ke DECRYPT.
4. Balik ke tool, pilih savean yg udah di-decrypt tadi.
5. Klik tombol Relink Face.
6. Drag file savean ke ENCRYPT.
copas file face (unnamed_1361) dan hair (unnamed_5436) ke dt0c.img di kitserver, untuk sementara file face BAL dan ML jadi satu, di update berikutnya saya upayakan untuk terpisah antara BAL dan ML.
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